Friday, November 11, 2011

Questions set 19

A sitter to begin with

1)TJ's is a brand  which produces and markets Bakery, hand looms, furniture , apparel, textiles etc. The products are mostly produced by inmates of the institution where this branch is "headquartered".
Its FYI 09-10  stood at RS 110 Million and their 29 stores cater to most of the  Government institutions and schools in Delhi. Identify the institution which is behind the brand TJ's

2) X is a world famous game show , started by Y in  1972, inspired from his experience as a prisoner in world war 2, where a prisoner was only supposed to say three things (according to Geneva convention) Name, rank and Number. The same procedure is followed in the game show where the contestant is supposed to reveal only name, occupation and specialized subject. 
Identify X and Y

3)Identify the famous soft drink brand

4) Identify the company ( we have learned about this company for years in the high school history books )