Sunday, September 25, 2011

1) Which Multinational electronic giant was founded by this lady ?

File:Cher Wang in WEF.jpg

2) Id the logo
3) X is a media giant in India and  was founded by Sundar singh Lyllapuri, the founder father of Shiromani Akali dal In Punjab. With Sardar K M Panicker as its first editor and Devdas Gandhi in the editorial board, its opening ceremony was performed by Mahatma Gandhi on 26th September 1926, and the first edition was published from Naya Bazaar (now Swami sharda Marg) in Delhi. Identify the organization

4)Save Money , Live Better is the tagline of which Multi National?

1) Cher Wang - HTC


3) Hindustan Times

4) Wal Mart

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