Sunday, October 2, 2011

Questions set 17

1) Identify the lady

2) Identify the logo

3)Robert Kaplan, who, along with David Norton, developed the Balanced Scorecard, also came up with an alternative to traditional accounting where indirect costs are allocated in proportion to an activity’s direct costs. For businesses whose goods are customised, this is not a very accurate method. This accounting method attempts to improve on it by allocating indirect costs more accurately. Popular for a while, it fell into disrepute when it became clear that it was easier in theory than in practice. What accounting technique did he come up with?

4) Jaswantiben Jamnadas Popat, Parvatiben Ramdas Thodani, Ujamben Narandas Kundalia, Banuben. N. Tanna, Laguben Amritlar Gokani, Jayaben V. Vithalani.. these Gujarati women started a venture which now is a household name, especially in north India.. name the Brand

5) Who are these people? also identify the organization founded by them (clue :  I guess you can at least identify the person sitting in the center )

 File:Fairbanks - Pickford - Chaplin - Griffith.png


1) Neelam Dhawan, MD, Hewlett- Packard India

2)Deustche Post

3)Activity Based Costing

4)Shri Mahila Griha Udyog Lijjat Pappad

5) D W Griffith,Mary Pickford, Charlie Chaplin , Douglas Fairbanks, The founders of United Artists

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