Friday, November 11, 2011

Questions set 19

A sitter to begin with

1)TJ's is a brand  which produces and markets Bakery, hand looms, furniture , apparel, textiles etc. The products are mostly produced by inmates of the institution where this branch is "headquartered".
Its FYI 09-10  stood at RS 110 Million and their 29 stores cater to most of the  Government institutions and schools in Delhi. Identify the institution which is behind the brand TJ's

2) X is a world famous game show , started by Y in  1972, inspired from his experience as a prisoner in world war 2, where a prisoner was only supposed to say three things (according to Geneva convention) Name, rank and Number. The same procedure is followed in the game show where the contestant is supposed to reveal only name, occupation and specialized subject. 
Identify X and Y

3)Identify the famous soft drink brand

4) Identify the company ( we have learned about this company for years in the high school history books )

Monday, October 3, 2011

Questions set 18

1)  Identify the person from the clues
    Clue 1 : She was raised in the city of Vijaywada, Andhra Pradesh . She did her graduation from IIT Delhi in      and holds masters in Chemical engg from Cornell University
Clue 2: She joined Motorola in 1984, in the Arizona facility, headed many key R&D projects of Motorola and left Motorola in 2007 to join another Multi National giant

Clue 3: Fortune magazine called her one of the rising stars in the Most powerful women's list

2) This is a term popularized by Seth Goldin, Used in Marketing, especially in e-marketing.This form of marketing requires that the prospective customer has either given explicit permission for the marketer to send their promotional message (like an email or catalog request) or implicit permission (like querying a search engine). This can be either via an online email opt-in form or by using search engines, which implies a request for information which can include that of a commercial nature. What is the term used for such kind of marketing?

3)Print ad of which brand?

4)Identify the building 
                                              File:Bombay House, Tata Group Headquarters in Mumbai.jpg

5) Apple made this commercial in 1984 when they released Macintosh in 1984.. They remade it in 2004, Which product did they launch then?


1) Padmasree Warrier , CTO, Cisco

2) Permission marketing

3)Maggi noodles

4)Bombay house,  the head quarters of the Tatas

5)Apple I-pod

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Questions set 17

1) Identify the lady

2) Identify the logo

3)Robert Kaplan, who, along with David Norton, developed the Balanced Scorecard, also came up with an alternative to traditional accounting where indirect costs are allocated in proportion to an activity’s direct costs. For businesses whose goods are customised, this is not a very accurate method. This accounting method attempts to improve on it by allocating indirect costs more accurately. Popular for a while, it fell into disrepute when it became clear that it was easier in theory than in practice. What accounting technique did he come up with?

4) Jaswantiben Jamnadas Popat, Parvatiben Ramdas Thodani, Ujamben Narandas Kundalia, Banuben. N. Tanna, Laguben Amritlar Gokani, Jayaben V. Vithalani.. these Gujarati women started a venture which now is a household name, especially in north India.. name the Brand

5) Who are these people? also identify the organization founded by them (clue :  I guess you can at least identify the person sitting in the center )

 File:Fairbanks - Pickford - Chaplin - Griffith.png


1) Neelam Dhawan, MD, Hewlett- Packard India

2)Deustche Post

3)Activity Based Costing

4)Shri Mahila Griha Udyog Lijjat Pappad

5) D W Griffith,Mary Pickford, Charlie Chaplin , Douglas Fairbanks, The founders of United Artists

Friday, September 30, 2011

Questions set 16

1) Id The person

2) Identify the brand from the logo

3)The immediate predecessors of it were “Optimum Coding in the Frequency Domain” (OCF), and Perceptual Transform Coding (PXFM). This format was made at the Fraunhofer Society. Which format?

4)It was founded in 1906 in Rochester as The Haloid Photographic Company, which originally manufactured photographic paper and equipment .It holds a Royal Warrant from HM Queen Elizabeth II and the Prince of Wales. Identify the company

5) Connect



1) Henry Ford

2)Earnest and young

3) MP3

4) Xerox

5) Aircel - sponsors of CSK, for which Doug Bollinger is playing for , Blyk is provided in India by Aircel, Maxis the major shareholders in the company, and they are the sponsors of Chennai open Tennis tournament

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Questions set 15

1) Id the person


2)Id the logo

3) In 1946, Pietro.....(x)...... invented a cream of hazelnuts and cocoa, derived from Gianduja and to be spread on bread, and called it Pasta Gianduja. His son Michele modified it to produce ......(y), which was first marketed in 1964 and now popular across the world.. identify X and Y

4) Which company's origin traces back to the formulation of a hair dye in 1907 by a French chemist Eugene Schuller , sold to Parisian  hair dressers? This company has got its Registered office at Clichy, France ..

5) Connect



1) Silvio Berlusconi, the former Italian PM and the  owner of A C Milan


3)Ferrero and Nutella


5) Huwawei ( Chetan Bhagat , the newly appointed brand ambassador, Symantec, with whom they have started JV, The communist party of China , who is the parent company of Huwawei

Monday, September 26, 2011

Questions set 14

1) Id the person

2)Id the logo (Clue : a US based fast food chain)

3) X was started in September 4, 1998 . Originally nicknamed as "Backrub"  because it used to check the backlinks to estimate the importance of the site, it started with the domain . Today, its regarded as the best company in its field and is the generic name for the service which they provide

4)Which Indian Fashion brand was found by Dilip Kapur in Aurbindo Aashram, Puducherry?

5)Identify the person in the video


1) Kishore Biyani
2) Wendy's
3) Google
4)   Hi design
5)  Oscar prestorious

Good job Aakash and Prasanth

Sunday, September 25, 2011

1) Which Multinational electronic giant was founded by this lady ?

File:Cher Wang in WEF.jpg

2) Id the logo
3) X is a media giant in India and  was founded by Sundar singh Lyllapuri, the founder father of Shiromani Akali dal In Punjab. With Sardar K M Panicker as its first editor and Devdas Gandhi in the editorial board, its opening ceremony was performed by Mahatma Gandhi on 26th September 1926, and the first edition was published from Naya Bazaar (now Swami sharda Marg) in Delhi. Identify the organization

4)Save Money , Live Better is the tagline of which Multi National?

1) Cher Wang - HTC


3) Hindustan Times

4) Wal Mart